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2021-08-23 14:44

Education quality content discussed at the symposium

On August 23, within the 4th Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Quality Education for Modern Cities” a plenary session was held. Tsung-Teng Wang, head of the UT’s Department of Physical Education (Taiwan), and Sahra Hosseini, researcher of TU’s Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (Finland)Daria Milyaeva, head of MCU’s International Relations Department was moderating the session.

Tsung-Teng Wang delivered a report “Intergenerational Learning Activity” which was dedicated to the role of learning activities in grandparents and grandchildren relationships. The speaker also spoke of the Taiwanese practices developing the contact between generations.
n 2006, the Taiwan Ministry of Education proposed the “White Paper on Education Policy for the Elderly in a Society of the Elderly”. In the book, the promotion strategy for the education policy for the elderly mentioned that family and intergenerational learning activities are one of the ways that can be carried out. In recent years Taiwan Ministry of Education has been actively studying the older generation’s education needs. They provide a variety of learning options and give the elderly opportunities to get out of the narrow family circle.

Sahra Hosseini featured the use of technologies for enhancing the quality of education content in modern society.

We have been living in the digital age and the impact of technology can be seen in all aspects of our life including the education system. However, when COVID 19 started and spread throughout the world, education systems in many countries were shocked. They found a new challenge to implement social distance programs. The use of technology to facilitate communication and the provision of information became necessary and inevitable. The pandemic of COVID 19 has led organizations and people to use communication and information technology widely, but the quality of the information received through advanced programs and tools is still not satisfactory. The speaker suggests that the necessity of applying the social science developments is the best practice to improve the quality of education content. During the presentation, the speaker introduced a new model of using technologies for the preparation, organization, and representation of content.

Links to broadcasts are available in the program on the Symposium’s website.