MСU offers more than 300 Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in such study fields as Pedagogy, Foreign Languages, Law, Economics, Management, Computer Science, Sports, Arts and Music, Design, Psychology, Social Studies and others.

Every year more than 400 international students from partner universities of Europe and Asia enroll at MCU to experience excellent learning environment, vibrant student community, and authentic life in the Russian metropolis.
Rector of Moscow City University Igor Remorenko
MСU offers more than 300 Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in such study fields as Pedagogy, Foreign Languages, Law, Economics, Management, Computer Science, Sports, Arts and Music, Design, Psychology, Social Studies and others.

Every year more than 400 international students from partner universities of Europe and Asia enroll at MCU to experience excellent learning environment, vibrant student community, and authentic life in the Russian metropolis.
This year 21 ECERS meeting is taking place in Moscow City University and the Laboratory of Child Development of MCU is the organizer. For the last few years MCU became at least one of the leaders in the field of preschool education quality assessment and development in Russia. The Laboratory of Child Development this year celebrates the decade since its foundation. And through these years there was a lot of hard work that started when the Laboratory of Child Development team had come to MCU. Laboratory team got valuable opportunities to combine research and teaching to future teachers in Baccalaureate training program. And over the course of these ten years, we have significantly increased our research potential. And now our research concerns the following areas:

1. Preschool education quality assessment and the possibilities of its development

2. Modern preschool didactics

3. The development of dialectical thinking at different ages, including among preschoolers.

We are also engaged in the development of technology work with adults, future preschool teachers, in the framework of service training.
For the last 5 years, laboratory activities were integrated into the context of global research. Accordingly, laboratory staff takes part in key scientific conferences devoted to pre-school education, such as EECERA, ESRAD, ECERS meetings, ATEE, ICOT and organization of ECCE, and publishes the results of their research, introducing them to specialists all over the world.

Also the Laboratory employs 4 certified ECERS experts: Olga Shiyan, Tatyana Le-van, Elena Vorobyeva, Irina Vorobyeva.
In 2016-2017, the laboratory conducted a national study on the quality of pre-school education in the Russian Federation, the results of which are being discussed by the Russian educational community. And according to the results of this study, was prepared a book for teachers with recommendations on how to achieve high quality education in kindergarten.

Nikolay Veraksa, head researcher of the laboratory, is one of the most significant figures in Russian preschool education, known for his work on the development of dialectical thinking of preschool children, as well as problems of childhood and preschool education. In 2017, the first symposium of dialectical thinking took place in Moscow.

Laboratoty of Child Development: