Experience indeveloping professional competences of social pedagogues in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan

Akmaral Magauova (Kazakhstan), Zhamilya Makhambetova (Kazakhstan), Aigul Iskakova (Kazakhstan), Ulzhalgas Yessim (Kazakhstan), Bakhtykul Narkulova (Kazakhstan)

In the era of integration, the key resource of the country is the training of professionals in the social sphere. Global trends require the development of competences among University students.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study, which consists in studying the experience of training social pedagogues in higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, taking into account the modern competency-oriented paradigm of education, is justified. The authors revealed that the competency based approach in Kazakhstani universities is implemented in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration (Marquand et al.,2018). The relationship between educational programs and professional standards in Kazakhstan is consistent with modern international documents, primarily the European qualification framework, expressed in Dublin descriptors(Bologna Follow-Up Group,2005).
The researchers describe educational programs for the training social pedagogues,the typology of competences implemented in the system of professional training of future specialists is presented. It is proved that an important element of educational programs is their modular structure and calculation of the volume of academic load in ECTS credits. The authors, based on the identification of the nature and trends in the training of social pedagogues in Kazakhstani universities, analysis of regulatory documents, identified the general and special in the process of developing the competences of social pedagogues and made a forecast about the need to focus on professional competences accepted by the world community.