Forms and methods of remote control of university students learning

Evgeniy Leonovich (Russia), Marina Romanova (Russia), Nina Khodakova (Russia), Anna Kalinchenko (Russia), Dmitry Kalinchenko (Russia)

This article discuses searching for forms and methods of remote control of learning of university students. The importance of this problem is stipulated by the necessity to organize distance learning in existing environment and wide education opportunities supported by electronic resources and their purposeful use. The formulated hypothesis states that their controlled use would allow to perform efficient control of learning at all stages of training. In order to confirm this hypothesis, the authors presented the results of activities of university teachers aimed at searching for forms and methods of remote control of students’ learning. This article discusses managerial, cognitive, and axiological aspects of remote control. The trends of searching for efficient approaches to solve the formulated problem are analyzed. Opportunity to apply network interaction of students upon distance learning is considered as well as control of formation of professional activities upon remote access. The network interaction acts as a mechanism of selection of forms and methods of distance control, such as discussion of assignment in remote access using electronic resources, online presentation of photos and videos required for joint work of all group students, presentation of results of assignment execution on interactive whiteboard of internet platform, joint work using electronic resource to create project. The control processes of distance learning are very important in professional training. The control procedures allow simultaneous correction during learning at each stage, promote searching and implementation of new methods of learning. Application of the described forms and methods allows providing efficient control of learning.