Formation of readiness for professional mobility in senior high school students

Michail Voropaev (Russia), Vladlen Sambur (Russia)

The prerequisites for the study are modern career concepts and the concept of preparing a person for the successful construction of a career path. The modern sphere of economic relations and the labor market are very changeable and dynamic. The structure and content of professions are changing quickly, which requires constant training and readiness from the individual to change professional roles. Therefore, the formation of readiness for professional mobility is an important research issue. However, the generally accepted position is that the formation of readiness for professional mobility among students should begin at a university or college. The purpose of the study is to test the assumption that the readiness for professional mobility can be formed in senior high school students by combining traditional and game forms of education. The experiment described used a three-week course based on traditional and active teaching methods and a complex multistep business game. The research methods included: the adapted test of "Career Anchors" by Edgar H. Schein, "Methodology for Diagnostics of Reflexivity" by A.V. Karpov and V.V. Ponomareva, the test "Study of Volitional Self-regulation" by A.V. Zverkov and E.V. Eydman, "Temperament Structure Questionnaire" by V.M. Rusalov, and the test "Communicative and Organizational Skills" by V.V. Siniavskii and V.A. Fedorishin. The results of the study showed a statistically significant positive change in the controlled parameters. In general, the conclusion about the promising nature of this direction of training can be considered partially confirmed. For a more confident conclusion, studies on larger samples are required.
