Multiculturalism of the modern city as a necessary condition for the modification of music-pedagogical education

Marina Osenneva (Russia), Chen Ying (Russia)

The article substantiates the need to integrate pedagogical communities in the context of multiculturalism as a social reality of contemporary urban life. The authors note the unity of the existence of such a phenomenon in the multicultural megacities of the polyethnic world in general, and in Russia and China, in particular. Nevertheless, training future teachers to multicultural music education is usually carried out locally based on the students’ country of residence, which today requires concerted efforts on the part of teachers-musicians of different countries, including Russia and China, of which each has its own view on the solution to this issue and a wealth of experience in the formation and development of students' respect for different musical cultures within the country, in general, and metropolises, in particular. In this regard, the research aims to study the theoretical justification and testing of technologies for students to master the multicultural component of music education in the Russian Federation and China in the comparative context. To achieve this goal, the authors used theoretical and empirical methods. The scientific novelty of the research is based on a comparative analysis of the methodological foundations, the essence and content of the multicultural component of the music programs of the Russian Federation and China, as well as identification of common and characteristic features of pedagogical approaches, general and specific methods of multicultural education in the Russian Federation and China. The reliability and validity of the research results are proven by relying on the fundamental provisions of science, as well as consideration of the research problem from the standpoint of philosophical, general scientific, and specific scientific analysis.