Preconditions of this work are stipulated by necessity to provide interrelations of forecasted targets of education and targets of development of state and society. Research is aimed at revealing features of target setting of participants in the relations in the sphere of education during preparation for new technological order. Analysis of publications devoted to the considered problem was conducted. The participants in the relations in the sphere of education were surveyed. The main results are the essence and definition of concepts of education targets and their specificity during preparation for new technological order by the participants in the relations in the sphere of education. It has been determined that all participants in the relations in the sphere of education more distinctly understand the education target in comparison with comprehension of necessity to arrange teaching in accordance with the NTI program. Herewith, the most concerned in development of education of students in NTI technologies are pedagogical staff of comprehensive educational establishments, university administration, and governmental authorities of Udmurtia. All participants in the relations in the sphere of education have higher orientation at knowledge acquisition by students in comparison with orientation at formation of personal properties (except for parents and local authorities). Consistency of targets of all participants will allow to more efficiently train students for new technological order.