Online Education and Best Practices for the Development of a Distance Education Program
Andrey Koptelov (USA), Stephen Turner (USA)
This article discusses benefits and challenges of online teaching and learning and details the process for creating a distance education program from the formation of a development team through the creation, implementation and evaluation of courses. It explores current networking technologies and pedagogical approaches that combine to create a student experience that is satisfying for the current generation of students. The demand for online learning has rapidly increased over the years. Especially with the recent COVID-19 situation around the world. Schools transitioned to online teaching and learning. Teachers adapted to the changes and with the help of technology, created collaborative and engaging online experiences. These experiences will be memorable for students. New skills were learned along the way such as organization, time management, communication, etc. These skills can help students and prepare them for their future. Many studies have focused on the topic of teaching and learning online. This study is aimed to target parents, students, and teachers who are looking into furthering or completing their education online. With the recent events in the world happening with COVID-19, children and teachers had to resort to continue their education online. Many families and teachers struggled with technology while others adapted to the situation quickly. To be prepared for any situation we must inform ourselves about how teaching and learning online happens and how to be successful.